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HomeHealthWarning Signs New Parents Should Be Watchful Of

Warning Signs New Parents Should Be Watchful Of

California-based toy giant Mattel has diversified its range of inclusive Barbie dolls by launching the first-ever Barbie with Down Syndrome.

It will be joining the brand’s existing lineup of inclusion-focused Barbie dolls and will have physical traits of a person with Down Syndrome. The toymakers have collaborated with the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) to come up with the new doll, reported USA Today.

The company said it paid close attention to details to enhance the doll’s relatability. It worked with those with Down Syndrome, their friends and families to make the dolls accurately represent the unique body sculpt and facial features.

The doll’s face “features a rounder shape, smaller ears, and a flat nasal bridge, while the eyes are slightly slanted in an almond shape,” Mattel said in a press release.

“As the most diverse doll line on the market, Barbie plays an important role in a child’s early experiences, and we are dedicated to doing our part to counter social stigma through play,” Mattel Executive Vice President Lisa McKnight said. “Our goal is to enable all children to see themselves in Barbie, while also encouraging children to play with dolls who do not look like themselves.”

What is Down Syndrome?

Also known as Trisomy 21, Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs when there is an abnormal division of cells, leading to an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21, according to Mayo Clinic.

The congenital condition is characterized by some unique bodily features like a flattened skull, pronounced folds in the inner corners of the eyes, a large tongue and a short stature.

Down Syndrome is a common chromosomal condition. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates, around 6,000 babies are born with the condition in the U.S. each year.

Keeping that in mind, here are some telltale signs that new parents should never ignore:

Down Syndrome is known to impair the gross motor skills of a child in their early years. The easiest way to know if a baby will be potentially born with the chromosomal disorder is prenatal testing. In a blood test called quadruple screen, heightened levels of certain substances can point to the disease.

A baby with the condition will have features like excess skin in the back of the neck, a shorter-than-normal femur or thigh bone, a missing nose bone, a large tongue that may stick out most of the times, white flakes in the colored parts of the eyes, smaller feet with a slightly larger than usual space between the big and second toes, short/stubby fingers, a pinky finger that curves inwards etc., according to Very Well Health.

A timely diagnosis and professional treatment are extremely crucial to make sure the condition doesn’t increase with age and the baby is able to reach their developmental milestones in the right time span.

Down Syndrome
Baby with Down Syndrome


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