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HomeInternationalOnly 1 in 10 workers have skills related to AI: Salesforce

Only 1 in 10 workers have skills related to AI: Salesforce

Slack's CEO Lidiane Jones on integrating generative A.I.

But even though companies are making hefty investments into AI, most workers have yet to use it — “only 1 in 10” globally say their day-to-day role currently involves AI skills, the survey found. 

Such skills include AI-specific programming languages, machine learning and automation testing. 

That’s despite the “excitement” workers feel about the prospect of using generative AI at work, said Salesforce.

“In fact, more workers were excited about its use in their workplace (58%) than worried about it replacing them in their job (42%),” the cloud software company added.

Generative AI’s ability to create text, images and other content in response to human input has surfaced new fears of jobs being replaced by tech.

With its ability to supercharge human capabilities, AI should be used as a tool to empower the workforce rather than hindering or replacing them.

A recent Goldman Sachs report found that as many as 300 million jobs around the world could be affected by AI and automation, such as office and administrative support roles.

“With its ability to supercharge human capabilities, AI should be used as a tool to empower the workforce rather than hindering or replacing them,” said Sujith Abraham, Salesforce ASEAN’s senior vice president and general manager. 

“[But] it is not without risk. This aspect is embedded in our generative AI guidelines that help guide responsible development and implementation of this transformative technology, that includes human participation.” 

Skills leaders want 

People leaders said “data security skills, ethical AI and automation skills, and programming skills” will become increasingly important in the workplace, according to Salesforce. 

Yet, there’s a “disconnect” between the skills companies need for the future, and those currently used by the workforce.

That gap will continue to exist as businesses race to develop AI technologies, Salesforce added. 

Why ChatGPT is a game changer for AI

While 4 in 5 global workers report using digital skills in their day-to-day work, few report having skills beyond “collaboration technology, digital administration, and digital project management,” the company said. 

Only 14% say their role involves other related digital skills such as encryption and cybersecurity, and 13% claim to use coding and app development skills. 

The penetration of AI skills also differs across industries. It comes as no surprise that the tech industry is the one that uses the most AI skills globally, Salesforce added.

“But even for this industry, less than a third of employees use AI skills within their role today,” Salesforce added. 

Things are a bit different in Asia, however. For example, in India, it’s the travel and tourism industry, rather than tech, that ranks highest for the application of AI skills — with 67% using AI skills in their roles today, Salesforce told CNBC Make It.

“Over the past year, AI usage has become more prevalent within the industry, with AI-powered systems and chatbots empowering consumers with more comprehensive and real-time insights,” said Abraham.

Will ChatGPT replace your travel agent? Maybe...and maybe not

Shift to skills-based hiring 

A.I. will create more jobs than it replaces, but policies are needed to help people re-skill: ILO


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